ODL will be present at the upcoming Living Planet Symposium in Bonn, and will showcase the Ocean Virtual Laboratory in the Open Earth Forum demo area and in Classroom trainings.

Open Earth Forum (OEF) demo area
"Ocean Virtual Laboratory online and standalone tools demo"
  • Tuesday May 24, 12:55 to 13:25
  • Thursday May 26, 12:45 to 13:20

Classroom trainings (1.5 hours)
"Ocean Virtual Laboratory online and standalone tools tutorial/hands'on training"
  • Tuesday May 24, 17:00 (room H-1 03)
  • Wednesday May 25, 12:30 (room H-1 05)

Science for Society corner
"World Ocean Circulation (WOC) unveiled with the Ocean Virtual Laboratory"
  • Wednesday May 25, 18:00

See OVL tools overview Ocean Virtual Laboratory (OVL) overview

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