ODL participated in the Drift4Skim campaign (https://www.skim-ee9.org/The-mission/Campaigns) which took place off the Western French coast (near Brest) from 2018-11-20 to 2018-11-27.

The main aim of this operation was to demonstrate that current measurements can be done using a pulse-pair method, but the data acquired during the campaign will also be used to investigate the relation of the surface velocity to depth-varying current and waves, as well as to link the estimated current velocity to reference current measurements: drifters , ADCPs (Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler) and HF radars (High Frequency radars).

Two planes, one oceanographic ship (la Thalia) and two zodiacs (from Iroise Evasion) were involved in the campaign. ODL was in charge of deploying drifters with Zodiacs in the Western area of Ushant and… All went very well! Thus we have now hundreds of in-situ drifter trajectories collocated in time and space with data from KuROS airborne instrument.

Have a look at https://realtime.oceandatalab.com to replay deployments or enjoy real time trajectories.

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